Enabling Remote Learning (and Saving a Company) During COVID-19

It’s no secret that helping others is one of the greatest sources of joy. Here at Cameyo, that has always been at the center of everything we do. It’s not about building technology for technology’s sake and then hoping you can find a market for it. We’ve gone through great lengths to ensure that every aspect of our Virtual Application Delivery platform was built with a specific focus on solving our customers’ most pressing problems when it comes to enabling people to be productive from anywhere, and on any device.Enabling Remote Learning

As a result, we get an immense amount of joy out of hearing from our customers about how we’ve been able to help their businesses. So you can only imagine how we felt when we heard from Jeffrey Quinn, the Founder of Frontrunner Learning Centres – an after-school tutoring and learning franchise – about how Cameyo helped him when COVID-19 impacted his business. 

“Overnight [when COVID-19 closures went into effect], nearly 100 percent of the parents called to cancel their students’ next term and ongoing tuition,” said Jeffrey Quinn, Principal and Founder of Frontrunner Learning Centres. “Without being able to attend their individualised tutoring sessions at our centres, it didn’t make sense for them to continue paying for our program. Just like that, our business was gone.”

“Without Cameyo, we would have lost our entire business,” said Mr. Quinn. “Cameyo literally saved my business.”

Thankfully, Mr. Quinn was able to utilize Cameyo to deliver all of his custom learning applications to his students remotely, from whatever device they have in front of them. And because Cameyo enabled him to get his new remote learning programs up and running within a day, he was able to quickly go back to his student’s parents and ensure them that their students’ learning would be uninterrupted, despite this pandemic. 

There’s no greater honor in this business than knowing that you were able to help someone in need, and having that person share their story with you. So we’re really excited to share the full case study of how Frontrunner is utilizing Cameyo to not only set up new remote learning capabilities to continue education during this pandemic, but to also expand their tutoring programs in the long term by offering distance learning for students not within reach of one of their centres. 

Check out the full case study here